Tuesday, December 10, 2019

There Was Two...

bio domes, with about fourteen cuttings amongst them taken a week apart.

These last Jasmine cuttings are down to first set of cuttings. Along with some
of the ubiquitous fern volunteers. The ones to the left of center are goners,
that have developed the tell tale yellowing of the leave's central vein.

The promising hope is the cuttings to the left. No sign of yellowing. Mind
you theses cuttings hung on since the last week of September this year.

The big surprise is the seed pod development. I'm told by the owner of this
specimen that it does does spread from seed.

The act of propagating may have triggered it's survival mode, therefore it's
survival mode is kicking in over drive. That would be funny if this cutting
will do all it can do to produce a viable seed just on the sustainable environment
it is in. As in, look Ma!...no roots. Drop seed and then sprout me some mutant,
kill me if you can that takes over the planet,whew ...I digress.

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