Saturday, May 18, 2019

Scenes From My Garden

Hmm... where do I begin.

Scene One.

Three years ago this side of the yard used to be a monoculture of Azaleas. Now it's
ablaze with diverse textures, colors and shades of green.

Whereas for the Azaleas there is room for them to expand and grow.

While there is always up and keeping plenty of openness to address
security, less apt for the nefarious to be hiding, animal or human be
what may.

There is the sculptural aspect to any plant matter, in this case an Azalea. Working with
it instead of fighting it you will find it's natural growth pattern.

Verses, fighting and having to bind, in this case a Spanish Olive tree all the
while still searching for it's secrets on how best to prune this species.

Some to most species lend them selves to pruning while others, do not.

Little does it know that this is only the beginning for this specimen.

Scene Two.

This potted Frangipani has a Dragon creeping up it's spine.

Scene Three.

Who ever said that Rain Lilies bloom every time it rains must of been dreaming,
because they don't. This scene caught my eye this afternoon and inspired this post.

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