Saturday, March 16, 2019

Roll Out The Barrel

Or I should say, dig out the barrel. That's an Agave barrel of fun.
That living barrel is close to hundred pounds.

Plan, like my first one is to dig to the tap root and severe it. This one is
a year older than the last one and has more fibrous secondary roots that
I have to excavate through to get to my target. Instead of rolling
this off to the backyard, I hope to split it in half or quarters. Ambitious?
Perhaps, but I always said you got to set your goals high.
Nothing like a gardener's challenge to brighten the days' mood.

AsI post this, there's the sound of a nice steady rain. Welcomed after yesterday's nineties
temperatures. Hope there will be gallons of rainwater to collect.

Sweet! Just collected thirty plus gallons. That's a lot considering we are in our seasonal
dry period.

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