Monday, March 12, 2018

Seeing Red & Winter Rain - Pampered Cacao Tree Update

This specimen got to spend a week outdoors to take advantage of our
Winter balmy temperatures. Although short lived but it did wonders
for this tree and can be seen by the lush rosy red new growth. This
time of the year also generates some windy conditions, which is not
advantageous to this plant now that it's in it's tender stage of new

Twice within a week and on a Monday, we received a welcome burst
of showers. Enough to fill more than one and a half fifty gallon barrels.
We are after all in the midst of our dry season.
A manual task (playing in the rain) I look forward to when ever the
opportunity arises.

Tuesday following this post: Red leaves turning to bronze. While the
remaining green leaves start to turn yellow. As I waste no time in
trimming said yellowing green leaves, off.

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