Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Now That We Have Those Dreamy Images, Courteous Of Cassini

While this earthbound specimen took some untold time to generate this eye appealing rendering that
could easily compete with some of our other worldly images captured from afar.  I only had to
step into my own backyard to make this discovery.

What Do Eclipse and Gardening Have To Do With Each Other?

This here is a typical picture showing some dappled shade.

The round light shapes get their shapes from their light source. In this instant
 that light source is our very constant Sun.

However it was on the fateful day that our Sun got over shadowed by that other
constant phenomenon in the sky, called the Moon. There may be other moons
circulating other planets but ours is actually the only one named, Moon.

So to my amazement after failing in trying to produce a similar observation
by producing a similar effect by using a kitchen colander. Was when I noticed

No colander needed. My Crape Myrtle tree's dapple shade now transformed.

This Season's First Eggplant

Early this year, out of desperation and the desire for fresh grown
eggplant, I thought I would try another variety. Lesson learned.
It proved that I couldn't do much better than the variety I had started
out with, which was Ikebana. The long and slender eggplant that
produced tasty fruits, through out the year.

Grilled and smothered in olive oil.

Only then to be dressed in a Marinara sauce to please the eye and palette.

Cnidoscolus aconitifolius Or Chaya Tree, A Gift From Irma

I've been coveting this specimen every time I drove by it, only
like a constant gardener can. AI, after Irma, this tree went missing
like so many once standing trees that now are only great voids. Voids
that will go missing to those that never knew they existed and will
be known to those and their retelling to those that listen and wil
go on living in those stories.

This is my second passing of this once great looking specimen, but
this time is was now a pile of once was on the side of the road. Now
their green heads popping up, like it was saying, look at me still.
This time I stopped my car and got out of my car cautiously to cross
the road to answer that call and selected me a few viable looking

All of those white spots along side those stems are potential advantageous
roots. I will let the ends of these dry out and scab over before putting them
in some small containers, containers that almost got recycled in our city's
recycle bin along with some sandy soil and at which time they will out grow.

One of many uses for a Talenti container.

Friday, September 22, 2017

Cacao Tree Rescue

Had this tree going on twenty-eight months now. Started from a seedling
purchased locally and my my my how has it grown.

Bringing this in to protect it from Irma's demise. Irma's winds would have
decimated this tree while still only in it's youth.

Look what came attached to this tree.

A welcomed hitchhiker and a good sign too, if you believe in that stuff.

Three days indoors and semi regular sprays of water to help this green creature
stay hydrated.  It was still attached to it's Cacao companion and showing off
it's color changing tricks, sporting a brown upper torso. Don't have a picture
to show. By the time I came back with my camera it had dashed off to more
natural environs and all to happy to be outdoors and perhaps oblivious to what
had transpired only days ago.