Thursday, July 6, 2023

White and Gold

 This time of the year when the White blossoms from the Crape Myrtle trees fall down like 

snow. This is the first time it is accompanied with a heavy down pour of rain that leaves standing 

water, which I didn't notice that it had rained until I look out my bathroom 's screen window that so 

lets in a relative cool breeze. Mind you it was close to being in the nineties and little humidity ,

that is until it rained. I step outside some time later, long enough for the standing water to sink in and

to my amazement I see this, just when you think you seen everything thing and your gifted with this

sight of white and gold.

That's a lot of pollen that our pollinators don't get. I wonder if some insects can still harvest let alone

know what to do with it in it's water saturated state. I know what I'm going to do, is take a picture of this

new garden phenomenon. Garden wonders never cease.

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