Thursday, June 15, 2023

Can You Say


 A tubercle (or tubercule)  is an enlarged modified specialized leaf base, or petiole, and adjacent stem 

 tissues fused together (podarium), the corresponding leaf of which no longer existing. - Compliments 

 to for this cacatus factoid.

   In this case, a prickly pear cactus. I found this with all it's bits if you will and with both ends callused,

while the cup was well callused over also but, the initial puzzle was which end is up?

   The gardener that I am recognized a propagating opportunity and was not disappointed days later 

finding that wonder we gardener's call a root and the fact that it now exists and yes water and cactus

do work well together.

  There was a typical pad getting started near by and took that for insurance.


 Hopefully it won't take long to see some pads sprouting on this green garden chalise.

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