Wednesday, September 14, 2022

One Of Many

 and here's two wonders of gardening.  

                                             The     possibilities      of        discoveries  , while     in

       the        w i  l d s     o  f     a n    urbane   urban     garden.

Look at that face, it looks like it wants to be discovered. That primary leaf is a stranger

among others and wait till it gets it's  notable belly on, that will take many years to appear 

and guess what, that belly requires no beer. 

This little 'Buddha Belly' is one of only four self seedings in as many as nearly forty years.

This one may have found it's forever home right here where it sprouted amongst these native


These native Coonties, planted directly in the ground and with out the time consuming

fruit peeling of the flesh away from it's large seed. The germination rate as not as well

as the peeled ones, along with some other varying factors make the flesh striping 


These here will get the transplant treatment and see if it they can catch up with the other 

Coontie seedlings planted earlier, no pressure!

After days and days of light rain, our mini monsoon did it' s magic on this rescued log teaming

with Resurrection Fern and off to the right is a teenage Buddha Belly plant with well documented

belly, that was one of four seeds that escaped the squirrels and or what ever foraging fauna there 

might have been.

   Here is the Resurrection Fern's typical face that it shows the world that was taken just moments

ago and looks like it was camouflaging a dead branch of rat tail cactus that needs to be replaced with

another sacrifice. 

Perhaps some extra needed moisture is called for this succulent cutting to take hold in an otherwise

hostile environment, but not to the other succulents and orchid.



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