Sunday, August 14, 2022

Today's Color Theme Is?

 and in the order of discovery....

                       I'll give you a hint, it's not green...Ha!

The hunt begins with a paler shade of?

and variations of a similar color as the first....this was not planned, either, more like a subliminal switch



Giving this one lots of breathing room.

     If you stare at this long enough and your experiencing

our ninety degree heat and humidity, this color will seem to make your present existance

   just a wee bit cooler.


 There is no in between with the color rendered here, unless your deficient in your ability to see blue.

Our color doesn't get any deeper on our hunt today, that what is rendered in front of your eyes.

I will just have to keep you in suspense, not unlike the anticipation of the grand opening of this African 

Violet flower, whose  name sake has given us another clue as today's color theme.

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