Friday, April 22, 2022

Well Into The Season - Gardener's Tales

                MyFlorida season has not only sprung and the competition is furious.

                The competitions are no game other than, what will remain at the proverbial 

finish line. A never ending competition, no medals, although the prize may be it's next

meal.        Take for instance...

                 Yesterday's witness to a baby Mockingbird chick getting snatched from it's nest 

by eithera Cackle or Starling more than twice the size of the defending Mockingbirds.  As the 

black bird made off with it's catch, not two but four Mockingbirds gave a futile chase.

                  This happened just days after discouraging a stray cat from making a snack of,

you guessed it, a Mocking bird chick. It's that time of the year.


                  There's nothing natural about my yard collection other than it's in abundance

and they to have to compete to.  Many are in pots and have to rely on this human to meet their

water needs, the most basic and during our dry season too.  This morning's attention getter

was a kitchen scrap cum propagated and now going into seed with it's rather nondescript four

petaled yellow flowers, as it's calling card.  This constant gardener does what this naturally 

curious gardener does and takes a whiff of said welcoming blanket to all those pollinators, me 

not being one of them ofcourse and wow wow wow.  Was not expecting a bouquet of fragrance 

that's going to give the competition a run for it's roses.  There was already an army of tiny black

aphids sucking the life juices from this life specimen.  No doubt there is plenty where those juices 

came from to help produce and broadcast this plants come hither ye pollinators perfume.  All the 

while two other orchids hanging close by that have thier fragrance amplified by a million. By

the way these orchids this year have been host to several sizes of hornets, who knew.

That just goes to show me there is and will be something new to see by just stepping out of 

doors, out of our always changing misperceptions and just what ever it is that makes up our

inner world and that will always be our Season.  The season to wonder.

p.s. Imagined in your mind what this yellow flowering kitchen munchkin might look like.

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