Friday, December 24, 2021

First Grade Inspiration

 How many of you have had the grade school opportunity start some props from store bought

veggies? Such as carrots and potatoes?

This Baby Bok Choy has grown into teenager, as shown in this picture.

And I were to post a picture of it today, weeks later, it now looks like an adult bok choy.

Something has already tasted this and it must of been good, because a few leaves have been

nearly munched clean away.

Also , buried under the top soil is a favorite tomato of mind as an experiment. I just sliced

a rather over ripe in two and buried them open side down and then covered them. Due to the

cooler temps during our almost Winter season, it took a bit more than just a few days to 


Time will tell ...took it's time to reveal two patches of sprouted seeds...yeah, yeah!

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