Monday, October 25, 2021

Tree Of Life

 My potted Afrocarpus , technically a tree, but alas pot bound for several years. Has of late been host to

some new garden occupants. Not only to the regulars that I've seen and who knows to what else that

I haven't seen.

Here are the two most recent critters from this urban homestead.

I believe this little guy is one of our own Florida Black Rat snake and I like to think that word got 

out that there are some fresh garden gummies (new frogs) to be had. This was taken sometime 

in the early hours, like after midnight and the cafe is open. I just let loose one or two a few hours 

ago, not seeing or noticing if there was a snake of all things lurking around in a tree, who knew.

 To my surprise, it's still there, probably really PO'd that this is not the all your can eat frog


 Needless to say I changed my venue for fresh frog releases.


Another newbie, probably also heard that there was some fresh bites up here. First time I'm

seeing a frog with red suspenders. Luckily for this frog, this morning's black snake took a hike 


Who said there's nothing new to found, all you have to do is open your eyes and stay curious.

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