Monday, February 15, 2021

Repotting Pot Shuffle

 Hmmm....where do I begin to describe this dance. Perhaps just as it happened.

There's preparation, a gathering of tools, sometimes not in that order.

I have two dramatically different sized potted specimens. Both could benefit 

from each other's pot.

First lets take the White Orchid tree that transferred from that black inverted

pot that it is sitting on and the tan pot is what the Avocado tree was in.

The Orchid Tree got the best of this pot shuffle due to having more room

to grow into. Sometimes a little more thought could have benefited

both pot bound specimens, but hey, they will both be happy with what

they got.


I just notice looking at this picture and it looks like this potted Orchid

Tree has a most peculiar black angler shadow from another dimension.

Now this Avocado Tree goes from one stuffed put into another but at least it

has more room at the bottom of it's new old pot that the potted Orchid Tree

was perched on and had grown it's tap root, if it even has one into this 

rich soil that laid fallow for little over a year, which will come in handy

to help infill for the Avocado Tree's pot shuffle.



Sorry ole Avo, would have

given you a bit more rooting

room but I will make up for it

with some extra food in the 

future, once you get through 

the shock and all from being


You  got this.

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