Tuesday, January 26, 2021

First Blooms of the Season -Thick-Stem Pink Begonia

 Not to be out done by it's cousin the Thick-Stem White Begonia.

 No bloom yet, but then it doesn't want to show off in front of it's neighbor the pink Camellia 

that is currently in bloom.

Leaves not as large as the white begonia but the flower spike is just as tall.


From this angle, like a Giraffe as the Pink Begonia cranes it's neck to get it's bearings and admires

the beauty of it's neighbor.

Realizing that the Camellia's beauty is fading and with a new bud not far away to 

steal the scene. This Pink Begonia will be heads and shoulders above the spectacle

this flush of blooms that brings out the best in all and needs no narration from me...ha.


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