I had taken one plant, in this case a Foxtail Fern - Asparagus densiflorus, and divided
it up into five divisions. This one being what I thought would have been one of the
most successful one's to have prospered.
If you note the more than ample woody mass just above ground level, along with several
viable roots. This in it's self only prolonged my hopefulness. I don't know how many
times I had watered this well past what I would have thought it should have shown
some signs of life. With some caution as not to cause it to rot by over watering. Even
though this is outdoors, rot can take it's toll even with our best intentions.
Out of the five plantings and three out of five was not what I had hoped for There's that
word again, hope. Knowing each spot where I planted this Foxtail, where the lighting
and dryness were different. I should have been happy with the three out of five.
It's bright green and not so bushy like fox tail shown like a beacon this afternoon while
making the rounds of watering. The thought of watering this never crossed my mind.
There was no hope left and no longer on my gardening radar.
We are well into our wet, rainy season so now's the time for these to take hold and to show
me where the most ideal conditions are for this plant. There is no substitute for rain water
and so this old plant must of been waiting for the real stuff and to hold out with this last and
final gasp of for life.
What with lots of hope, a dash of water and persistence and it's own thirst of life. We have
just one many joys that I get from this thing we call gardening.
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