Friday, September 27, 2019

Peer Into This Forest Of Tomatoes

and see what you see?

Indoors Prop Station Update - Kalanchoe (unknown)

Tomato seedlings are putting on their primary leaves and will be
ready to transplant soon. These seedlings make a trip outdoors every day
in order to get a dose of real sunshine. Then back to this indoor props station.
While the rest of these props get 24/7 4000 temp lighting. My neighbor already
has her order in for some of these tomato seedlings.

Under a dome of single use plastic, with a shout out to Talenti and Sabra is a
grove of cuttings.

Along with an african violet that is rotting one leaf at a time. I'm trying to keep
the moisture down on this, to see I can reverse it's demise and the prognosis does
not look good.

Down the way is another african violet cutting in water in a single use glass
jar, that gets it's second life and hopefully in both instances in this props station.

The remaining aralias are recuperating from too much sunlight and not enough
moisture. These specimens have propensity for root rot, hence the reluctance
to over water to the point of the opposite extreme.

We can all sometimes use a little indoor green and this tiny green oasis does it
for me.

Along with this tri-colored Kalanchoe , of some unknown variety yet to be determined.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Indoors Prop Station

It seems like I can do no wrong when propagating outdoors just
about all year round here in Florida.

So I'm determined to do the same indoors.

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

My New Dorian Windsock

Compliments to my lemon grass.

Steady winds from the north north east-ish.

Sunday, September 1, 2019

Dorian May Be A Far

Brought in my pampered pet, it sure looked smaller outdoors.

No telling what kind of weather will spring up as long as hurricane Dorian
shoots up the east coast.

I see a few branches need some trimming to. Will have to look a bit
closer to see where else it could benefit with some thinning.

The next year or two I hope to see it produce some buds on this
