Saturday, July 27, 2019

Fourth Eggplant Of The Season

Fat and sassy for this Japanese variety of eggplant's fourth iteration.

Their fancy head dress makes them look bird like even thought the beak on this
one has been clipped back a bit.

Dressed with favorite Marinara sauce and some walnuts will turn this favorite garden
veggie into a nice meal.

It looked like this season's eggplant was going to be a wash but it is slowly proving otherwise.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Clip Clip Here

It's amazing how a little thinning and a little
off the sides takes years off this four year old.

Can It Be Any Greener

I mean, we are talking Kermit green here.

Friday, July 12, 2019

First Eggplant Of The Season

Scenes From My Garden

 Some summer fruit.

 Some summer flowers.

 A lots off the top if you please.

Just a trim ...thanks.

Another Hits The Ground

Both literally and figuratively speaking that is.This specimen has been knocked
to the ground at least three times within a two week time frame.

In keeping with my long time goal of getting all my potted plants into the ground.
This top heavy specimen is the next candidate to be grounded.

Along with some cuttings of Purple Heart at it's feet to keep it company.

Monday, July 8, 2019

Red Leaf Crape Myrtle Season's First Bloom

Having transplanted this specimen earlier this year to this sunnier location
has it's benefits.

Thursday, July 4, 2019

Happy July 3rd

Our City's sponsored Fireworks were a bit of a dud if you asked me. Either
a technical failure to prevent a grand finale or the sponsor spent all his money
building his McMansion on the lake.

No worries, this town has fireworks 2.0 today, on Fourth of July at our Basball
training facilities. Will have to check them up to fulfill my fireworks fix.

The Ring, The Ring

Nothing like some inspiration from last month's night sky viewing of a close
ascension of Saturn to inspire the making of these rings.

I bet you can't tell just how big this outer ring is?

Follow The Sun

Where a place in the sun comes at a high premium in this shady oasis.

Nothing like a Shepard's pole to bring this specimen into the light.

Dragon's New Lair

This dragon (fruit) quickly out grew it's original perch on this
frangipani. This dragon may be scaleless but it does have a bite
in the form of tiny thorns.