Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Super Stacked Thirty

Thirty now holds sixty. My apologies to our yard trash pickup crew.

I hit all as intended, which will make fall clean up go just a little bit easier.

Motivated By Midterm Election Results...

Ok...Talenti's Coffee Chocolate Chip gelato, a fun movie, 'Upgrade'.

Some midnight pruining to lighten the shadows at the walkway at my
back door. Look forward to see what it looks like in tomorrow's
light. No doubt that there will be some corrective pruning.

I'm looking forward to opening up the front yard tomorrow to help
scale back some excess growth from this summer's bonanza of

Just a few blessings that only a constant gardener can appreciate.

Voting AS Usual Still Gets You Nothing

Polk County up their with state average, a paltry 27%.

I never said that politicians can help, they only help themselves and help
themselves is all they do.

The county that Marjory Stoneman Douglas HS resides in..22%...speaks volumes.

Florida's closed voting mirror's what it deserves.

On that note, at least this round of voting has given me hope in spite of
this state's apathy.

Grow some people.

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

The One's That Got Away

It's seconds too late to see from this picture taken, looking out
my front door. There was Downy Woodpecker perched on top
of what is now a stump on my once grand ole agave.
While at the same time looking down and witnessing what I
think is a Brown Thrashser bird doing it's salvaging among
the leaf litter. Same spot, every morning. I it must have it's
favorite spot for bugs, because there are three spots in my
yard where it has left it piles of thrashed yard litter.

It may have taken only seconds to witness and yet seconds
to miss being taken by a camera.

Transplanted Tomato Plant Being Removed From Intensive Care

Still giving it a daily misting of rainwater and introducing it to more
sunlight. Beginning to move it inches every three days to see how much
intense sun light it can withstand.

Tomato plants are quite resilient. 

Oeceoclades maculata - Monk Orhid Getting Ready To Bloom

Potted orchid in the foreground is considered to be an invasive plant. So I
will do diligence to keep in contained. Although from what may look like
a nondescript flowering, it may not last long, if you get my drift.

The footed fern in the white pot was also rescued from your urban wilds,
so to speak. Will no doubt be a beauty.

Time will tell.

Cnidoscolus aconitifolius - Mayan Tree Spinach - First Time Blooming

These were started from last years hurricane survivor cuttings, that
were left on the curb. I barely have enough sun light to thrive, but
thrive and bloomer. Woo Hoo!

Two New Aretha Gems Discovered Don't Play That Song You Lied

As she sings Angel....beautiful from start to finish.

A rainbow salute to the Queen of Soul.

and if you can find the song - Don't Play That Song You Lied. Please give it
a listen if you haven't already.


Tuesday, August 21, 2018

There Ain't Nothing Like The Real Thing, Baby

As a young Aretha had sung in a song sung in 1974.

Her voice may have been silenced but her music still sings in many hearts. 

Sunday, August 12, 2018

A New Poke Bowl

With no Poke and no bowl.

Only wish I had some wild blueberries to go with this grilled Salmon.

This first Poke bowl iteration.

Is a rude reminder just how bad our summer store bought tomatoes are neearly
as bad as the winter store bought tomatoes. Got spoiled by growing my
own. Not great by any means, where pride sometimes makes them taste

Giving This Orchid A New Lease On Life

It's been at least two and maybe three years since it's last time it bloomed.
Getting shaded out and too much leaf rot can take it's toll. Knowing that
meddling with it's fragile state can do as much as damage than leaving
it alone.

Intervention is required. Dividing and a good hose down will get a good look
see what's viable.

Now just need to stich these all back together with some nylon thread to
make it whole, along with it's companion , a Tillandsia that accompanied
it's last two bloom cycles.

Now I just need to find this a new location.

It shall be a companion to this mini Vanda orchid. It should be in good

New Generation Tadpole's Day Fourty-Four - Second Thoughts?

The little guy off to the left and not knowing how long it's been out of the drink.
Having regrets in seeing others swimming about, knowing that it has the
ability to hop back in?

Toiling Away InThe Tomato Patch

Trimming and realigning their bones with repositioning their stakes. I get
a bit more ambitious and transplant another tomato plant. It doesn't take
much summer sun to show who's boss. So I had to drag this transplant
under the carport until it can recover.

Misting this haggard specimen with some rain water while balancing
the too much and too little water act.

Seedlings In Intensive Care-Update-Not Looking Good

Nine days soaking in water in an enclosed environment can only do so much.
Rot is it's enemy and when your in these conditions, rot is always close.
The one on the right managed to push out some roots and two new leaves.
The other one has no hairs, thus no roots and also pushed out two new leaves.
This is it's last chance before rot wraps it up.

 I may not wait that long and give it a burial at compost bin.

Friday, August 3, 2018

New Generation Tadpole's Day Thirty-Four - Just Chillin

Fresh change of tannin stained rain water. Fed only hours ago. Life is sweet.

Seedlings In Intensive Care

What ever cut down the other six seedlings had just started their carnage
on these last two survivors. So I pulled these away from their outdoor
environment and into this man made one. Now it is only time and effort
to see if they still want to thrive.