Sunday, September 3, 2023

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Parade Of Summer Garden Scenes Cont'd







   Loquat tree off to the left and planted from seed that I got from a friend. The beauty about this tree is 

the fruit could vary some and mine fortunately turned out noticeably a tad larger than the original.

   Areca palm to the right, given to me from a former neighbor two doors down and this palm is still

thriving and gives me joy that it's loves this spot that it is in, obviously.









Sunday, August 27, 2023

Pause For Another Break In Color

    Gorgeous! Looks like I may have to capture some more cloudscapes for this parade.

Parade Of Summer Garden Scenes Cont'd

























   Nice life like furry animal there...hehe.









Saturday, August 26, 2023

Parade Of Summer Garden Scenes Cont'd

























    WTF Blogger....inserting an image is now F$%@!...Priceless nonsense

Parade Of Summer Garden Scenes Cont'd















     similar   but      different....angle      turn!








Parade Of Summer Garden Scenes Cont'd


         C  r        B    e    a    u  t u !